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Obvious Things

This sermon continues the series from the book of Daniel and showcases the culmination of God's redemptive work in the life of King Nebuchadnezzar.

Saved in Fire

This sermon continues in the book of Daniel with chapter 3 and discusses Nebuchadnezzar building his golden statue, and the courage of three brave Hebrews who refused to bow to the king's command.

Another Witness

This is another sermon from the book of Daniel in which King Nebuchadnezzar has a prophetic dream that only the God of Heaven, through His servant, Daniel, can interpret. It's a story about a holy man being a witness for God in a strange country.

Strange Things

This sermon comes from the book of Daniel and speaks of him and his associates who followed God faithfully in a strange land.


This sermon comes from Matthew 26, the Last Supper, and considers Christ's anticipation of the coming Kingdom of God, as well as our anticipations for the New Year.


This Christmas sermon comes from the early chapters of Luke when "all the world was to be taxed." It talks about the sovereign workings of God over history and salvation.


Fear Not

This sermon comes, partially, from Matthew chapter 1, and from many other points in the Christmas Story. It considers the reoccurring phrase, "Fear not!" and how this message of peace should bring us comfort in this life.


This sermon comes from Ezekiel 18 and talks about how people can change for the good.

Acts of Gratitude

This sermon comes from Psalm 103 and discusses the gratitude that we should have towards God for His blessings.


This sermon comes from Psalm 103 and discusses the gratitude that we should have towards God for His blessings.

Victory in Jesus

This sermon comes from Paul's letter to Timothy and talks about Christ's victory over sin and death.


This sermon comes from 1 Timothy 6 and discusses our need for a biblical concept of finances and contentment amidst socio-ecenomic upheaval.

The Patience of God (Anniversary Sunday

This sermon comes from 2 Peter 3 and talks about the patience of God at work in our lives and discusses why we're here as a church.

What they Could with What they Had

This sermon comes from several places in Scripture, staring in I Chronicles and ending in John- about people who did what they could with what they had for the Kingdom.

Praise in Prison

This sermon comes from the book of Acts during an account where Paul and Barnabas were imprisoned because of their gospel ministry. Their faithfulness to Christ's call leads to the spread of the Gospel into Europe.

What they Could with What they Had

This sermon comes from several places in Scripture, staring in I Chronicles and ending in John- about people who did what they could with what they had for the Kingdom.


This sermon comes from Acts chapter 8 and is about one man- Phillip- being sent into a desert place for the sake of one man- the Ethiopian Eunuch. It speaks of the love and the plans that God has in the lives of individuals and how He uses men and women for His Kingdom.

The Weapons we Have

This sermon comes from II Corinthians 10 and discusses the nature of our warfare as Christians in the realm of the spirit.

The Counsel of God

This sermon comes from Isaiah chapter 14 and discusses the reality that what God decides to do will be accomplished.

Nothing is Free

This sermon comes from the book of I Peter and discusses the reality of the free gift of eternal life. It is free to us, but it cost Christ dearly.

Presuming Tomorrow

This sermon comes from odd circumstances at church, and teaches us well that we don't control tomorrow, or even the next five minutes of our life.

The Temptation of the Old Prophet

This sermon comes from a cryptic passage in I Kings and relates a current "man of God" with an "old prophet" and shows one man acting on his own desires in a way that leads to sin and death.

David and Bathsheba in the Garden

This sermon comes from a time of failure in David's life; his sin with Bathsheba. Here we explore that story as the Bible frames it through the story of the Fall in the Garden of Eden, and look at how David fell in the hopes that we can avoid our own temptations.

The Demon and the Deliverer

This sermon comes from Mark chapter 5, and recounts the well-known events of the Maniac of Gadara. In it we see a miraculous event in which Jesus casts out demonic spirits, and are shown the power of Christ in our own lives.

The God of Hope

This sermon comes from Psalms and discusses the reality that our hope must be in God because all other things will eventually fail.


This sermon comes from the book of I Samuel and is based around a point in the life of the future King Saul. It's an encouragement to take time to stop, and spend time hearing from God.

Patterns of Prayer

This sermon comes from the beautiful Psalm 34 where we see David set a pattern for life and prayer in the way he praises God, makes request, accepts reality, and offers hope and trust in the Lord.

In the Lord I put my Trust

This sermon comes from Psalm 11, which is shown as a short dialogue between David and someone offering sincere advice. It discusses a time to flee and a time to stand your ground, and trust the Lord in the fight.


This sermon comes from the book of Matthew and is a continuation from last week. It further discusses the need to protect the children among us and ensure that they are assisted in their coming to Jesus.

The Little Children

This sermon comes from the letter of I John and discusses the need for people to protect the young.

Job the Father

This sermon comes from the first two chapters Job and discusses the godly character of Job in his suffering, and how we can emulate that.

Important to God

This is a topical sermon about four people who's lives and works were important to God. It covers Zerubbabel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.

Don't be Foolish

This sermon comes from the book of Galatians chapter 3 and discusses the importance of trusting in the finished work of Christ, and not our own works, for salvation.

Remembering the Dead

This sermon comes from the book of II Chronicles and recounts the life events of a king who refused to honor the memory of the dead who did much to guide him in service of God.

Praise ye the Lord

This sermon comes from Psalm 148. It's a Psalm of highest praise and calls all creation to praise God. In the sermon we discuss our need to praise the Lord for the fact that He creates, sustains, and draws near.

A Mother's Story

This sermon relates the story of four mothers in the bible and discusses the need to honor mothers.

Sins of the World

This sermon comes from the book of I John and discusses the idea that Jesus died, not for our sins only, but for the sins of the whole world.

The Ascension

This sermon comes from the first chapter of Acts and talks about the Ascension of Christ and what it means for us today.

Easter Sunday

This sermon comes from the book of Acts and talks about the Resurrection of Jesus and how vital it is to our salvation.

Love and Hate

This sermon comes from several chapters in the book of John where we see the love the crowds had for Jesus turn to hatred just a few days later when they call to have Him crucified.

No More

This sermon comes from the book of John chapter 8 and covers the well known story of the "woman caught in adultery." It discusses the important points of the passage which are 1) no condemnation, and 2) 'go and sin no more'


This sermon comes from a dark time in the reign of King David with one of his sons. It involves sexual abuse and eventually murder. A subtle point in the text is the advice from a friend that sets the troubling series of events in motion.

The Heart

This sermon comes from 1 Samuel 16 and considers the idea of God who "looks on the heart."

Objective Truth

This sermon comes from the book of Judges and the well known verse, "Everyone did that which was right in their own eyes." Pastor Kohler preaches on the need for biblical objectivity in how we see the world, and not simply the sway of our own minds.

Say So

This sermon comes from Psalm 107 and discussed the need that those who have been Redeemed by Christ speak that reality to others.

The Second Coming of Christ

This sermon comes from the small book of II Thessalonians and reflects on the Second Coming of Christ. It gives some sure hope of the reality that Christ will come again, because He already came to earth many times before.


This sermon is an excellent display of the need for an understanding of Stewardship in our lives. It comes from personal events in the life of Pastor Kohler, as he shares with us how true peace comes from understanding that we are simple stewards of God's Kingdom, and not the owners of it.


This sermon comes from the book of Hebrews and looks at a common link that all the men listed share- the building of Altars.

The Church: The Body

This sermon comes from I Corinthians 12 and talks about the metaphor used by Paul to explain the church as a single body, comprised of many members.

Hosea 11

This sermon comes from Hosea chapter 11 and weaves the story of the life of Hosea throughout with a prophetic message to Israel.

Fret not because of Evil Doers

This sermon from Psalm 37 deals with the issue in life of the seeming triumph of evil over good.

Shall be Saved

This sermon is a commentary on a passage in Romans 10 about the salvation of God and believing on Christ.


This sermon is a word study on the word "worthy" as it takes place in Revelation. It's a New Years sermon that encourages us to honor God, eschew evil, and follow the good.


This sermon looks at the Christmas story to show how God works throughout history and in our lives

The Christmas Captivity

This sermon comes from the small book of Zephaniah. It's mostly a book about judgment and the coming Babylonian Exile, but this sermon focuses on the passage regarding hope and restoration of the captive's return and how Jesus is the true end of the Captivity.


This sermon about opportunity during the holiday season comes, interestingly enough, from the account of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah in the book of Genesis. We look at the opportunities that were had, but not taken.


This short sermon comes from the book of Psalms and talks about the things we have to be thankful in Christ. It comes after a lengthy period of personal testimonies (not included in the video) about God's goodness in the the lives of the congregation.

Doing and Being

This sermon comes from a collection of texts in the book of Exodus surrounding the building of the Tabernacle. It seems that the children of Israel were excellent at DOING things, but terrible at BEING the people they were called to be.

The Human Race

This sermon takes a look at the Apostle Paul's sermon at Mar's Hill and discusses the reality of humanity being of one race, and how God shows favoritism to none.


This Anniversary Sunday Pastor Kohler preached about what changes and what doesn't. Looking at examples from two churches in Revelation we see that some change is good, some change is not, and we see that there are certain unchanging things that we rely on day in and day out.

Two More Years

This sermon comes from the life of Joseph in the book of Genesis and discusses Joseph's source of strength during his time in prison.

What would it Take?

This sermon comes from tough words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 11. It is a condemnation of unbelieving Jewish cities after He had performed many miracles, yet the people would not follow Him.

Goodness and Wrath

This sermon explores parts of the book of Romans and digs into the dichotomy presenting in Romans chapter 1 between God's goodness and His wrath.

Keep my Commandments

This sermon comes from the book of I John and drills down on a vital concept expressed by Jesus: if we love Him we will keep His commandments.

Belief is Sacred

This sermon comes from I John chapter 4. It's a letter from John the Beloved to a church community where he is warning them to be cautious of believing everything they hear. This has applications for what we believe, not only on the spiritual level, but in all realms of life.


This sermon comes from the book of 2nd Peter- a letter written while the Apostle Peter knows that he will soon be crucified. He had other things that he had wanted to discuss, but felt the need to call believers simply to remember. He didn't want to say anything new, but encouraged them to remember the truth and reliability of scripture, and the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

The Gospel of Hebrews

This sermon is a simple message of Gospel hope: the problem of sin and the perfect solution in Jesus Christ. Preached from Hebrews chapter 1, we see the perfect exaltation of Jesus and the solution to the sin of the world.

Reconciled to the Master

This sermon comes from the often passed-over book of Philemon. In it we see the love that Paul has for a runaway slave and how that points to the love that Christ had for us.

Died with his Boots On

This interesting and challenging sermon from Pastor Kohler looks at the letter of II Timothy- a letter written shortly before the Apostle Paul's execution. Much is revealed in this sermon about the position of Paul's heart, not only towards Timothy, but towards his gospel mission.

Caesar's Household

This sermon comes from Philippians chapter 4 and goes over a "phantom verse" that tends to slip under the radar if we aren't looking for it. It's a strong encouragement to let others know about the saving power of Christ in our own lives.

Unchanging God = Changed Life

This sermon from the book of Galatians covers the vital truths that the unchanging God and His unchanging Gospel should result in a changed life for those who will follow. Following the changed life of the Apostle Paul we see that we are supposed to be altered by the Gospel of Jesus Christ as our life conforms more to His image.

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